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Market Research Sampling

QUIDSURVEYS is a part of Cint Digital insights gathering platform.

Our panels in Cint Digital insights gathering platform were certified to ISO 20252 by CIRQ late in 2014 as part of their global commitment to quality. This accreditation impacts everything from what defines an “active” panelist to data protection and security processes for our clients. 

Reach targeted, double opted-in audiences over 130 million engaged respondents across more than 130 countries. Insight Exchange is an platform linking buyers, suppliers and resellers of online sample.

Are you planning to conduct a Market Research Project? 

Send us an email at info(at) and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Please find below a cost estimation.
(Length of Interview (LOI) in minutes * Incidence Rate (IR):

Cost per interview (CPI)
Prices are shown in EUR
IR (%)
LOI (Minutes)
Example: Sampling for 1.000 interviews of 10 minutes of duration to General Population (IR 100%) would cost €2.500 (1.000×2.50€).
Hosting & Scripting: Starting at €500.

Let’s work together on your
next market research project